Nerd Germs (Blood Clot Dub Mix)
A terrifying true story about a terrible epidemic that is 12x worse than the Swine Flu, Bird Flu, SARS and GRIDS combined! Why has it been largely unreported among the major science and health journals?
Because all those sciencey doctor types are a bunch of fuckin’ NERDS who want this disease to spread, that’s why.
BADITUDE has discovered that mesomorphic individuals have a higher tolerance against nerd germs than endomorphs and ectomorphs, thanks to the increased amounts of physical activity and protein that the average mesomorph partakes in. A decrease in working out, sweating, fighting, sun exposure, and protein can and will lead to a nerd germ attack, rendering the once-proud mesomorph to become nothing more than a fat fuckin’ nerd. BADITUDE will not let this happen.
This song is specially formulated to help raise the body’s levels of endorphines, testosterone and adrenaline, thereby helping to defeat any nerd germs in your system. IT IS SAFE AND EFFECTIVE.