Notorious NERD Elon Musk has solved nothing!
The THIRD consecutive BADITUDE Twatter account has been permanently suspended… and this time we have no idea why!
Typically we receive lots of emails from Twatter about all of our supposed “Hateful Conduct” activity, because we dare to type the word “TRANNY” (which is the most censored word on Twatter, by the way). We even got hit with a violation because we had the gall to use the fake, made-up word “BAPTARD” to describe ourselves. But THIS time, no email notification. No nothing. Just a suspended account with no recourse! And we have no idea what we did wrong.
Very suspicious bullshit indeed! As if we needed even more PROOF that deranged psychotic TRANNIES are in control of the censorship mechanisms at these fucked-up tech conglomerations. But hey, Elon champions FREE SPEECH! It’s all so fake & gay.

At this point, we look back at what we’ve been suspended for in the past, and we’re like “Yeah, I can see how the tranny nerds would ban us for that remark. It was too BASED.” But now, we’re just straight-up fucked with for the most innocuous of reasons, if there are any reasons at all.
You STILL cannot be funny on the Internet anymore.
The FOURTH iteration of BADITUDE Twatter will be coming soon, of course.