Us dudes in BADITUDE don’t pay too much attention to “popular culture” matters nor State media… but I was just wonderin’ if there are any musicians or bands or whatever who are straight-up being like “YO, this virus hoax is retarded and we are going to make songs about how fake and ghey it is, and perform them in front of a live audience, despite the order of the Regime.”
Are there any fellow music people saying or doing this?
ADDENDUM 8/28/21
So ERIC CLAPTON is currently the guy standing up to the fake & gay virus hoax Regime? Fuck! Well, it’s a start, I suppose. In the meantime, fuckin’ MINISTRY is finally coming to town, and the Cleveland music venue is like “we require experimental medical procedures in order to enter.” So if I want to see the ostensibly rebellious band perform “NWO”, I have to allow unaccountable pharmaceutical companies to inject me with “emergency use” experimental mRNA genetic therapy OR show proof that I recently allowed a fat nurse to jam a Q-tip into my brain and run a faulty PCR test that was not designed to detect infections.
Isn’t that retarded, though? Ministry previously “opposed” the George W. Bush administration with a TRILOGY of albums over the span of several years, along with the aforementioned hit song “NWO”, AND other hits such as “Thieves”, and now they don’t seem to have much to say about a government regime full of geriatric fuckfaces that are enacting actual “new world order” policies on their fanbase. Instead, Eric fuckin’ Clapton is stickin’ his old neck out. LAME.
Still waiting to see who will join BADITUDE in performing some illegal dissident unvaxxed concerts in parking lots…