DAS RITE, we are using that dumb shit!
It has come to our attention that many bodybuilding maniacs, fitness freaks, jocks, manlets of power, politically incorrect goofballs, bronze age retards, and other assorted alpha bros are up to no good on the Twatter, so we might as well join in the Männerbund fun!
Many moons ago, when BADITUDE first entered CyberWorld2K, we started with Myspace.com. Remember that thing? You could make a band page, upload some songs, post ridiculously offensive / dumb shit, and coordinate with other local bands. And you could do it ANONYMOUSLY, without stupid smartphones and other such modern contrivances. It was great!
Then the evil FACEBOOK arose and kicked off the downward trend of people taking the Internet seriously. BADITUDE would have no part of that bullshit.
But we’ll try our hand at this TWATTER nonsense. We’ll harass some nerds, we’ll threaten politicians, we’ll make unwanted sexual advances towards sluts, we’ll body-shame fat people, we’ll push people with gender dysphoria towards suicide, and we’ll make some friends and have some laffs while we’re at it.