CyberWorld2K Music Video!
The Official Music Video for our hit single “CyberWorld2K” is now on The ‘Net! Hack into The World Wide Web and enjoy this video uplink stream! WELCOME TO OUR WORLD Continue reading CyberWorld2K Music Video!
The Official Music Video for our hit single “CyberWorld2K” is now on The ‘Net! Hack into The World Wide Web and enjoy this video uplink stream! WELCOME TO OUR WORLD Continue reading CyberWorld2K Music Video!
DUDES AMONG THE RUINS THE 12″ SINGLES COLLECTION BADITUDE’s post-apocalyptic collection of songs that were released between the band’s resurgence in Summer 2020, through the very end of 2022… exactly TEN YEARS after the POLE SHIFT of 2012! DUDES AMONG THE RUINS features BADITUDE’s most recent hit single, “Parasite-Controlled Entities”, and the hit singles that … Continue reading DUDES AMONG THE RUINS
The SkyNet A.I. network created by CyberDyne Systems has removed BADITUDE from Twatter! In our last “blog” post, we said that our days were NUMBERED on stupid fuckin’ TWATTER because of the big censorship attack on our retarded twets. Well, in a matter of days they EXECUTED our @RudeCrudeDudes account… and you ain’t gonna believe … Continue reading TWITTER CENSORSHIP 2: GAY NERD BOOGALOO
DAS RITE, we are using that dumb shit! SMASH THAT FOLLOW BUTTON. @CyberWorld2K It has come to our attention that many bodybuilding maniacs, fitness freaks, jocks, manlets of power, politically incorrect goofballs, bronze age retards, and other assorted alpha bros are up to no good on the Twatter, so we might as well join in … Continue reading BADITUDE ON TWATTER
Everyone’s a nerd in CyberWorld CyberWorld2K by BADITUDE Many years ago, before CyberDyne Systems initiated the Skynet A.I. network, BADITUDE’s Chip Dunkirk had a chilling premonition of the dystopian future while hitting some serious numbers on the high bar squat… “CYBERWORLD2K!” he shouted, as he wrote this cryptic phrase on a nearby whiteboard. Years passed, … Continue reading CyBeRwOrLd2K