The SkyNet A.I. network created by CyberDyne Systems has removed BADITUDE from Twatter!
In our last “blog” post, we said that our days were NUMBERED on stupid fuckin’ TWATTER because of the big censorship attack on our retarded twets. Well, in a matter of days they EXECUTED our @RudeCrudeDudes account… and you ain’t gonna believe the reason WHY Parag Agrawal raped our account to death! It is officially The Most Ridiculous Reason Why Anyone Has Ever Been Banned From Twatter.
Here is the FINAL RULING:
And here is the twet that we responded to:
So you see, here’s what happened: BADITUDE, being combat-sports enthusiasts AND participants, would regularly interact with pro wrestlers on Twatter, like any normal man would do. This one particular wrestler, “MJF” Maxwell Jacob Friedman, is a particularly sassy asshole of a HEEL wrestler for AEW who posts some funny shit on Twatter. So MJF has been fucking with Northeast Ohio-based pro wrestler Wardlow on AEW television programming; his twet was an extension of their bitter feud. You can see that MJF is having a wrestler named The Butcher “chop up” the “little piggy” (Wardlow) and then MJF will not have to see his “stupid face” again. Since they are all WRESTLERS, we know that this is an online “promo”… some good old-fashioned jaw-jacking between 2 men in a rivalry who are gonna settle their beef. No one is actually going to be chopped up and killed, you see.
BADITUDE decided to interact with MJF. Using the same sentiment, BADITUDE did a little switcheroo and said “I’LL CHOP YOU UP” to the cheating heel wrestler that everybody hates… I mean, the fuckin’ announcers call him a RAT on every episode of the television show. All non-retarded people can see that “I’LL CHOP YOU UP” is just a humorous little throw-away response. No big deal. MJF himself said something a bit worse. But according to the total faggots at TWATTER H.Q., it was a “threat of violence” which necessitated a permanent account suspension.
So there you have it: The Most Ridiculous Reason Why Anyone Has Ever Been Banned From Twatter.
Where’s our fuckin’ trophy??
But you and I know that this was just the OSTENSIBLE reason to boot BADITUDE off of Twatter. It is what the robotic psy-op canned response keeps repeating in every appeal to the suspension. “It was a violent threat” they say each time. One of the real FUNNY things about Twatter is you never actually converse with a real human when problems arise and they PUNISH you. This is part of the humiliation ritual of it all. They have a particularly devious way of punishing dissent. And THIS is essentially what BADITUDE warns about in our ongoing battle against NERDS and their perverted acolytes and shock troops. We spoke of such matter in our hit single, “CyberWorld2K”.
Lesson learnt: If you speak the truth about PARASITE-CONTROLLED ENTITIES on social media websites, you will be censored.
But whatever, who cares. BADITUDE’s data systems analyst and webmaster, Dark Cypher, has taken on the role of social media intern for us. Follow @CyberWorld2K for all your Twatter-based BADITUDE needs!