CyberWorld2K Music Video!
The Official Music Video for our hit single “CyberWorld2K” is now on The ‘Net! Hack into The World Wide Web and enjoy this video uplink stream! WELCOME TO OUR WORLD Continue reading CyberWorld2K Music Video!
The Official Music Video for our hit single “CyberWorld2K” is now on The ‘Net! Hack into The World Wide Web and enjoy this video uplink stream! WELCOME TO OUR WORLD Continue reading CyberWorld2K Music Video!
As it turns out, Elon Musk is a FAT FUCKIN NERD BADITUDE tried to keep on rockin’ with our Twitter/X account, @CyberWorld2K… even going so far as to buy a blue checkmark for theoretical “protection”. But now that account is dead due to Twatter’s notorious “HATEFUL CONDUCT” rule. You cannot be funny on the Internet … Continue reading AND NOW IT’S “X” CENSORSHIP!
NEWZFLASH: INTERNET NERDS CONTINUE TO RUIN EVERYTHING BADITUDE has been using the Bandcamp site for MANY years. I don’t feel like finding the actual start date, but I think we set up our account in maybe 2009. It was our go-to place to post our ELECTRONIC MUSCLE MUSIC 4 the masses, and maybe make a … Continue reading GAY NERDS CONTINUE 2 CENSOR!
BADITUDE SPEAKS TRUTH ABOUT “PARASITE-CONTROLLED ENTITIES”, GETS CENSORED Back in the August of 2021, the rude crude dudes of BADITUDE decided to hop on the social mind-control media internet site called TWATTER. We were well-aware of how GAY that site is, but there’s a bunch of anonymous shit-posting bodybuilders on there, so maybe a little … Continue reading TWITTER IS CONTROLLED BY PARASITES
OK, BROS! LET’S GO! Revenge of the Jocks by BADITUDE The SCOURGE of the NERD needs to END. Everything is and will continue to be bullshit so long as nerds continue to exert undue influence upon society. You notice how we’re locked in an endless cycle of dumb shit and ADVANCEMENT seems to be an … Continue reading Revenge of the Jocks
The RUDE, CRUDE DUDES of BADITUDE present to you an assortment of CLASSIC gym jams! DAS RITE! MUSCLE MEMORY is now available at our BANDCAMP site, so go check it out!! This fuckin’ album is a 10-track retrospective of heart-pumping Motivational Muscle Music from the BADITUDE archives. Each jam has been injected with a double … Continue reading New Album: MUSCLE MEMORY
DAS RITE, we are using that dumb shit! SMASH THAT FOLLOW BUTTON. @CyberWorld2K It has come to our attention that many bodybuilding maniacs, fitness freaks, jocks, manlets of power, politically incorrect goofballs, bronze age retards, and other assorted alpha bros are up to no good on the Twatter, so we might as well join in … Continue reading BADITUDE ON TWATTER
Everyone’s a nerd in CyberWorld CyberWorld2K by BADITUDE Many years ago, before CyberDyne Systems initiated the Skynet A.I. network, BADITUDE’s Chip Dunkirk had a chilling premonition of the dystopian future while hitting some serious numbers on the high bar squat… “CYBERWORLD2K!” he shouted, as he wrote this cryptic phrase on a nearby whiteboard. Years passed, … Continue reading CyBeRwOrLd2K
STORM THE GYMS! LIFT THE WEIGHTS! BADITUDE has had it up to HERE with ALL of the Commie bullshit! The planned societal collapse, disgusting nerds engineering a gay Orwellian nightmare world, actual retards running wild in the streets, the installation of Covid Communism, the direct attacks against testosterone. Enough is enough! HEAR OUR BATTLE CRY! … Continue reading COMMIE CRUSHER
WE TRIED TO WARN YOU Way back in 2005, when BADITUDE was kicking things up to 12th gear and we began cranking out the hottest hits on, we released an E.P. called Baltimora VS Rockwell… Included on this fun little E.P. was a militant industrial jam called “NERD GERMS”, and it was the Instrumental … Continue reading NERD GERMS